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The Store Page is where you can buy Credits, And Redeem Coupons to apply credits to your account

Buying Credits

In the store page you are able to buy credits, We have several options on what amount of credits you would like to purchase
The more credits you buy, The more bonus credits you will receive

Store page: Credits



Coupons are redeemable codes that will fund your account with Credits, Coupon codes can vary in the amount of credits received Coupon codes are usually created with giveaways, Partnership and Sponsorships. but there are a hidden few all around our website infrastructure, Some may be hidden more than others, so make sure you have a good look around all of our Websites and Discord

Redeeming Coupon Codes

To redeem a coupon code, make your way to the Store Page, On the top right of that page you will want to click image-1654114911216.png
Enter your given, or found voucher in the Redeem Voucher code Prompt. Once redeemed credits will be applied to your account balance

Redeem Voucher Code Prompt
