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Editing Palworld World Settings

Copying the Example Configuration
  1. Navigate to the Files Tab; In the Root Directory (/home/container) Open "DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini" 
  2. Copy the entire example configuration (CTRL + A > CTRL + C)
  3. Navigate to: /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer; open "PalWorldSetting.ini" Paste; Save content
  4. (Optional) Save content and hit back on your browser. Right click "PalWorldSetting.ini" and click Copy
  5. (Optional) Rename "PalWorldSetting.ini copy.ini" to "PalWorldSetting.ini.backup" (or similar)

It is good practice to keep a backup of your last working config. If you update your settings, don't forget to make a backup!

Editing Palworld Settings
  1. Stop your Palworld Server
  2. Navigate to /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/
  3. Open "PalWorldSetting.ini"
  4. Search for the setting you would like to change, Click inside the text editor and search (CTRL + F) 
  5. Once Finished Save Content, and restart your Palworld Server

Be sure to keep the format of the config file; Else Some settings may not work correctly. Make a backup of your settings!

Game Setting Descriptions table
Setting Description

Adjusts the overall difficulty of the game (Casual, Normal, Hard)

DayTimeSpeedRate Modifies the speed of time during the Day (lower = Longer)
NightTimeSpeedRate Modifies the speed of time during the Night (Higher = Shorter)
ExpRate Modifies EXP Gain rate for Creatures & Players
PalCaptureRate Modifies the Chance of successful capture
PalCaptureRate Modifies the Spawn Rate of Pals (Higher = More) (More = Lag)
PalDamageRateAttack Modifier for amount of damage Pals can deal (Higher = More)
PalDamageRateDefense Modifier for Damage Received by Pals (Higher = More)
PlayerDamageRateAttack Modifier for amount of damage Players can deal (Higher = More)
PlayerDamageRateDefense Modifier for Damage Received by Players (Higher = More)
PlayerStomachDecreaseRate Modifier for Hunger Depletion (Lower = Food lasts longer)
PlayerStaminaDecreaseRate Modifier for Player Stamina loss (Lower = More Stamina)
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate Speed Modifier for Player Auto HP Regeneration  (Higher = More)
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Speed Modifier for Player HP Regeneration while sleeping (Higher = More)
PalStomachDecreaseRate Modifier for Pal Hunger Depletion (Lower = Food lasts longer)
PalStaminaDecreaseRate Modifier for Pal Stamina Loss (Lower = More Stamina)
PalAutoHPRegeneRate Speed Modifier for Pal Auto HP Regeneration (Higher = More)
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Speed Modifier for Pal HP Regeneration while sleeping (Higher = More)
BuildObjectDamageRate Modifier for Friendly Structure/Building Damage taken (Lower = Less)
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate Modifier for Deterioration rate of structures outside of Base (0 = None)
CollectionDropRate Modifier for drop rate of items collected (Higher = More)
CollectionObjectHpRate Modifier for health of collected objects (Higher = More)
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate Modifier for object respawn rate (Higher = Faster)
EnemyDropItemRate Modifier for drop rate of defeated enemies (Higher = More)
DeathPenalty Defines the penalty upon player death (Item, All, None)
bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage Option to enable / disable PvP Combat (True / False)
bEnableFriendlyFire Option to enable / disable PvP Combat (True / False)
bEnableInvaderEnemy Option to enable / disable Invader Enemies (True / False) 
bActiveUNKO Option to enable / disable UNKO (True / False)
bEnableAimAssistPad Option to enable / disable aim assist for controllers (True / False)
bEnableAimAssistKeyboard Option to enable / disable aim assist for keyboards True / False)
DropItemMaxNum Defines the max amount of dropped items in the world (Higher = Lag)
DropItemMaxNum_UNKO Defines the max amount of dropped UNKO items in the world (Higher = Lag)
BaseCampMaxNum Defines the max amount of bases camps that can be built in the world
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum Defines the max amount of workers in a base camp
DropItemAliveMaxHours Defines the max amount of time a dropped item can exist for (Higher = Lag)
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers Automatically resets guilds with no online players
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers Defines how long guilds with no online players are automatically reset
GuildPlayerMaxNum Define the max amount of players per guild
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime Define the Default hatching rate for Pal eggs
WorkSpeedRate Define the overall work speed in the game
bIsMultiplay Option to enable / disable multiplayer (?)
bIsPvP Option to enable Player vs Player Combat (True / False)
bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop Option to enable picking up other guilds dropped items from death penalty
bEnableNonLoginPenalty Option to enable / disable the Non Login Penalty (True / False)
bEnableFastTravel Option to enable / disable fast travel
bIsStartLocationSelectByMap Option to enable / disable selecting the starting location (True / False)
bExistPlayerAfterLogout Option to enable / disable if player exists when logged out (True / False)
bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer Option to enable / disable protecting other guilds (True / False)
CoopPlayerMaxNum Defines the max amount of players to a guild
ServerPlayerMaxNum Change this option in the Startup Tab
ServerName Change this option in the Startup Tab
ServerDescription Defines the description of your Palworld Server
AdminPassword Defines the Admin Password of your Palworld Server
ServerPassword Defines the Server Password of your Palworld Server
PublicPort This option is not player changeable 
PublicIP This option is not player changeable 
RCONEnabled This option is not player changeable 
RCONPort This option is not player changeable 
Region Defines the region of the Palworld server
bUseAuth Option to enable / disable Server Authentication (True / False)
BanListURL Defines the URL For the Server's Banlist